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Jeff Goldenberg > Games > Own

"3 cheap and great indie games packaged together.
Trials is a motocross obstacle course game with fantastic physics. A modern 3D version of Kickstart or Excitebike.
Limbo is an eerie action-adventure with a unique and creepy black and white art style.
'Splosion Man is an interesting take on 80's style platformer games where the character propels himself up, over and through obstacles by exploding multiple times and using the recoil. Pretty bizarre game with an interesting type of humor spread throughout, which all-in-all works well."

"Like most Tim Schafer games, this game has a really good, mostly original idea, standout art, and a lot of shortcomings. Extra pluses in this game are the superb and huge rock and metal soundtrack, a bunch of great cameos and voice acting from some real rock legends plus Jack Black and Kyle Gass of Tenacious D fame. The game mixes a few different types of action adventure, side quests, a thin storyline and a pretty unique and humorous real-time strategy battle mechanic. If you are a hard rock and metal fan, the game is worth playing and owning just for the soundtrack alone. If you're not a metal fan, the game probably isn't strong enough to keep your interest."

"This is pretty much a perfect realistic racing game. Hundreds of cars to race and customize. Dozens of tracks. Tons of different game modes. A very complete game. Has local 2-player."

"I can't quite pinpoint what's wrong with this game, the presentation is fine, but after playing for about an hour I had had enough and have no desire to return to the game."
September 1st, 2017
September 30th, 2017

"I really liked this game. My favorite Resident Evil game so far. The last battle is really hard. Thanks to Michael for beating the final boss. NOTE: If you're buying this for local multiplayer because the case says it supports it, THERE IS NO LOCAL MULTIPLAYER. There is online multiplayer for "Raid Mode" after you beat the campaign."
March 1st, 2018
April 2nd, 2018

"There is absolutely nothing interesting about this game. They couldn’t even be bothered to create all of the stadiums for all of the less-popular (ie, MLS) teams."

"Pretty fun main campaign in local co-op. The story and graphics are nowhere as good as the first Revelations. The game is fairly short. The two DLC add-ons are crap. The extra game modes and the 4 possible endings to the main campaign do provide some good replay value."

"Another entry in the Trials series. Very slick. You can create your own trials and play other people's creations. Playing the main game, the trials get quite difficult pretty quickly."
July 1st, 2018
July 31st, 2018

"5 stars for presentation and controls, but only 3 for story and originality. There’s just nothing special about the platforming aspects of the game."

"Presentation is good. Story is decent, graphics are good, soundtrack is good, voice acting is professional. There just isn't much game. It's more an interactive entertainment piece. The story is told over a roughly 20 year time period in the heroine's life, but the chapters are all seemingly disjointed, jumping back and forth through time. This is somewhat annoying but the reason the story is told this way is explained at the end. The story can be resolved in different ways and there are multiple endings. This is one of those titles where it should be relatively easy to obtain all trophies but it will take multiple playthroughs of certain chapters."
May 29th, 2019
June 4th, 2019

"This is a pretty easy game though it is quite vast if you include all the optional stuff. Completing the main story completes 15-20% of the game. The rest is in optional side missions and quests. The writing is aimed at children and the voice acting is uneven. A handful of characters are voiced by their MCU actors, but most aren't. There are about 100 Marvel universe characters that can be unlocked and played. The whole game can be played solo or couch co-op. The way co-op is handled on screen is pretty cool and befitting of a comics-based game."
June 15th, 2020
June 28th, 2020

"Sony's take on cart racing. Not bad, but nothing special. Announcers are obnoxious and annoying."
April 1st, 2019
May 1st, 2019

"Let me start by saying that there is A LOT of content in this game. Story mode consists of 5 separate but interwoven campaigns. The first four campaigns can be played solo, local co-op or online co-op. The final campaign can only be played solo. It is a single story told from the point of view of 3 partners (Leon and Helena, Chris and Piers, Jake and Sherry) and solo protagonist/antagonist Ada.
The campaign features most of the typical Resident Evil fare, plus a whole lot more: Buddy combat in close quarters, but also across huge arenas (new for RE). Puzzles. Collecting. Lots of weapons. Insane bosses and super-bosses.
Except for the prologue, each campaign consists of 5 chapters, and each chapter has many sections/checkpoints. Most chapters play between one and a half to two hours in length when playing solo on Normal difficulty. There are also extra campaign chapters that can be purchased as DLC. Beyond the campaign, there are additional solo and multiplayer game modes as well.
With so much content, it seems like parts of the game were developed by completely different teams. You may sometimes feel like you're playing completely different games from one chapter to the next. Still, it is mostly a well put-together game with a decent story and presentation."
June 10th, 2019
July 31st, 2019

"This review is for the single player story only. First off, it's clear they decided to focus more on the multi-player game modes. The single player mode is only about 10 hours of game play, compared to 20-something for the first Uncharted and around 40 for the second. On the plus side, there are some really masterful technical achievements in the game that must have really pushed the PS3 to its limits. Unfortunately, unless you're really paying attention or watch the Making Of featurettes where they brag about them, you might miss them. All of our favorite characters are back for at least a few chapters. What we do have is pretty typical Uncharted fare by now. Good graphics, great soundtrack, great voice acting, good story, varied gameplay and scenery. The problem is there is just too little of it. The game goes by quickly, and isn't very difficult at all. The final confrontation is an absolute joke compared to Uncharted 2."
September 9th, 2019
September 13th, 2019

"Nicely made game. Good graphics, great soundtrack, mostly great voice acting, pretty good story, good gameplay mechanics. The game is not very difficult. Playing on Normal difficulty, it was a pretty easy playthrough. The guns are too powerful and ammo is basically unlimited. Every gun except the shotgun is about as effective at long range as the sniper rifle."
June 10th, 2019
June 15th, 2019

"I really failed to see how this game is so well loved by most. I found it to be quite boring. I played the game when it was first released for a couple of hours and quit it because I couldn't get into it. Decided in 2019 to play through it to try to see what's so great about the game in most people's eyes. Managed to complete it, but still don't understand its popularity. Graphics were good, voice acting good, music mediocre, story so-so. Swarm fights can be very difficult. One of the most annoying things about the game is that in single player story mode, on a single playthrough it is only possible to get at most 3 trophies. All others can be only be gotten on a second playthrough! No way is the game worth playing a second time."
September 16th, 2019
September 26th, 2019