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Jeff Goldenberg > Games
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"Games like this are more interactive movie than game, where you spend a lot of time just watching instead of playing, but there is usually still a decent amount of gameplay. This game overdoes it on the passive watching. There is barely any interactive play. As is typical with games of this type, the creative aspects are generally very good: great graphics, mostly great voice acting, nice soundtrack, and decent story. What little technical gameplay there is however is annoying in the typical horror game manner: forced camera angles, sometimes sluggish reaction times and very little free roaming. All in all I was disappointed by this game, and really glad I only paid $20 instead of full price. The first playthrough took only 9 hours and I don't intend on playing again."
January 3rd, 2023
January 9th, 2023

"Pretty cool re-imagining of the original game. Cool art and music that evoke the original. Same type of gameplay, only much more-so. The game is as hard if not harder than the original. One way the game differs from the OG is that you can take different paths through the game to arrive at the end. Another difference is the game can be played two-player co-op. One player plays as the knight and plays the game the way its always been played. The second player controls 3 different magic characters that help the knight with various special abilities."
November 1st, 2021
November 30th, 2021

"Much more polished than the first two games, it served as the template for most of the games in the series that followed. As usual, the story is decent, voice acting is very good. The best thing about this chapter is the introduction of the series best villain: Dr. Nefarious! Gameplay is simpler in this outing than most others in the series as there are no grind events, no hoverboard events, no vehicle races, no space fights. To compensate, there are more arena battles than ever before. Upgrading weapons in this one is pretty easy, and there is a big difference in power between weapons, as there should be. Before the final battles (there are two) make sure to grind and level up your highest powered weapons, have maximum health and the PDA."
January 20th, 2022
February 6th, 2022

"Being only the 2nd R&C game ever made, it is obviously not as polished as later games in the series, but it is a much, much better game than the first one. Story is very weak, gameplay is a bit repetitive, but is mostly well executed. The game is surprisingly long. It took me over 40 hours to complete, with some grinding at the end to level up to more easily take on the final boss. They went overboard on the amount of collecting and grinding you have to do to get better weapons and armor. This has become more reasonable in later games. Overall pretty enjoyable and challenging."
December 1st, 2021
December 22nd, 2021

"Fun game, and the first in the superb long-running series, but compared to all the ones that came after it, it is clearly very rough around the edges. If you haven't played it yet but are interested in the series, skip this one and play the PS4 remake instead. All of the other PS2/3 Ratchets are still worth playing, but not this one."

"The final game in the Future series, like the 2nd one (Quest for Booty) is a short one. Not as short as Quest for Booty, there is maybe 10 hours of gameplay here if you go after collectibles, but not as enjoyable either. The gimmick in this one is gravity. Ratchet has a few segments where he operates in zero G and has to jump to certain surfaces while avoiding and shooting enemies. Clank has segments in a different dimension where he has to manipulate gravity to make his way around. Clank's segments are pretty fun. Other than that, there is nothing special about this low-effort title."
October 10th, 2021
October 19th, 2021

"This entry in the series is quite different. It is basically a base defense game. It has a very short 5 mission campaign and a few different multiplayer modes. While I normally do not care for this type of game at all, I found this to be pretty well put together and fun. The campaign can be played solo, local co-op or online co-op. The first 4 missions are base defense but the final one is a fairly typical R&C boss battle. The game features most of the common R&C weapons, hover boots, bolt collecting, etc. In campaign you can play as Ratchet, Clank or Qwark. In multiplayer, through rewards obtained in the campaign or by purchasing, you can play as virtually any character that ever appeared in a R&C game. One oddity about the game is the while the art style matches all other R&C games, the color palette is very washed out. Nowhere near as bright as in other games."
February 5th, 2022
February 20th, 2022

"This is a 4 player co-op game that can be played locally or online. It contains most of the elements of a typical R&C game, with many corners cut and some adjustments for multiplayer. The UI is not quite as good and there are many repeated elements where it seems you are doing the same action sequences against different backgrounds. All players appear on one screen, not split screen. Qwark is much larger than the other characters and can sometimes block out the other characters. Despite all of this, the game is still quite fun and extremely challenging towards the end. Story and voice acting are still top notch. Worth playing with friends and something different than the usual single player R&C."
December 24th, 2021
December 30th, 2021

"This game is far by the longest in the series, and it features most of the elements of all previous iterations. The new feature involves controlling time to solve puzzles. The puzzle elements in the Clank chapters are pretty cool and fun. There are a lot of boss battles. Too many, really. To fully beat the game there are 3 successive boss battles at the end, though the story is complete after taking out two. The final battle is optional (winning it gives a special reward). The weapons are not as interesting or as powerful as in previous titles. The story was OK, but a little thin and I just wasn't as interested as I was in previous games."
August 29th, 2021
September 11th, 2021

"This game is supposed to be the 2nd in the Future series, but it's really more like 1.5. The game is not very long or big in terms of places to visit. It has most of the elements of a typical R&C game, but this time the emphasis is definitely on swarm and boss battles. There are a lot of them, and some of them are quite hard. Nothing particularly wrong with the game, but it definitely isn't the best in the series."
August 7th, 2021
August 14th, 2021

"Pretty fun 3D block puzzle game where you are shown an object and given a bunch of differently shaped blocks you need to use to build the object. I actually played this on Xbox One and unfortunately this was just a straight cross-build of the iOS game, so the controls and UI are clearly designed for touch control and not really a game console. You'll feel like you're using your gamepad as a mouse."

"This is an adventure/shooter which draws from games like Uncharted and Tomb Raider, but it's actually quite different. Meant to be played online co-op with upto 4 players, it can also be played solo. If you do play solo, it is extremely challenging. The campaign features 9 chapters, which all more or less follow the same pattern: Explore a bit, fight off undead enemies, look for collectibles, look for hidden vaults, solve puzzles to get in to the vaults to get more collectibles, fight 1 or 2 swarm battles, fight 1 or 2 big bosses, on to the next level. You can only carry one handgun, one rifle, one explosive, one magic weapon and one healing elixir at a time. However, throughout the levels there are chests that can be opened by paying some gold that contain very powerful rifles. These rifles come with limited ammo and cannot be reloaded. Once out of ammo, the gun disappears. In some levels, managing use of these super-guns is critical. All in all the game is mostly on rails and only the big boss fights are challenging. Still, the presentation is very well done and the challenge kept me interested until the end."
February 1st, 2022
March 29th, 2022

"Looks great, plays like crap. The only good thing about it is the library of community-created courses."

"I totally enjoyed this game. Well-made, decent story, graphics, sound, voice acting, controls, length, balanced difficulty. The only annoying thing is the game has no trophies."
August 1st, 2021
August 8th, 2021

"Really amazing puzzle-action game. A must-play!"
May 1st, 2021
May 5th, 2021

"This is a "reboot" of the original first Ratchet & Clank. All-around, it's a good game. Nothing bad about it, but not amazing either. Not very difficult. Good casual fun. The story and gameplay have been significantly changed from the original game, all for the better."
April 1st, 2021
April 26th, 2021