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Michael Economy > Games > Beaten
"This game was soooooo intense! This game is a huge leap forward for the 'stealth' genre that metal gear solid really started. Really beautiful graphics (featured really nice environmental effects like rain). Also pretty balanced game play."
"This game was pretty short, lots of good trivia, but not that fun. Can't believe I played the entire thing."
"The mario rpg series is a lot like the final fantasy series, lots of button pressing. However the story in the mario rpg games is always paper thin."
"A very nice looking game, and somewhat fun, but for those of us looknig for a mario launch title for the gamecube, this was not it."
"Pretty fun game. Gets annoying at times, just like most all adventure games. Funny, but not monkey island funny. I didn't expect voice acting, so that was a nice surprise."
Started on:
September 27th, 2011