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Alexa Kelly
January 2018
My rig:
Switch and iOS
Favorite Genre(s)
puzzle games, platformers, Zelda games
Favorite game ever
Ocarina of Time
The first video game I remember playing
SNES super mario
Games all
"Eehhhh.... this is barely actually a game?? It felt like the majority of the content was cutscenes between levels and the "trashopedia" you can look at. Those things are admittedly cute! The art is pleasant to look at and the music is great! The puzzle element, though, is super boring - katamari lite, honestly. There's no real tension, as it's impossible to lose levels, and it's not like "eat small stuff first" is much of a challenge to figure out, and only the very last level is any real spin on that basic concept. This app is just... nice to look at, cute #aesthetic. There aren't enough levels to justify the price point, and the replay value is nil since there's no way to get a better score or do literally anything differently. I get that the price is driven by it being indie and by the assets taking time to create... but I can't say I'm happy to have bought this."
Started on:
August 30th, 2018