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jacobpear > Games > Played

"Aged well and is a super awesome game. I just wish there was a way to re-fight the bosses without having to run through the whole game."

"Super good Mario game and controls really well. Some of the stages seem like they were made by 4 year olds but other than that really fun."

"Some little quests are annoying, but other that that the atmosphere is amazing and the gameplay can’t be better than this."

"This game has good graphics and has good music. Other than that, the gameplay is slow and get obnoxious and it’s so hard and takes so much time to gets to the fun part of the game without cheating so kind of mid."

"Definitely a classic game that my generation had and loved. The motion controls can be annoying for how hard the computer is to beat sometimes but is an amazing game for local co-op."

"The game starts off amazing but slowly gets worse and is annoying with all of the plants that cost like $5 for no reason. And the amount of plants in that game is ridiculous, bigger doesn’t mean better."

"This game has good graphics and fun characters. The computers that join the online games are obnoxious and the garden ops mode was practically ruined."

"This game has awesome maps, single player content, and local multiplayer options. The campaign aspect of the game is great, but online matches can sometimes be buggy. Near perfect game."

"Really good looking game on the switch. Maps are fun and the dlc has been super fun as well. I wish that the online matches could be a little more filtered when it comes to wanting to play on 200cc or 150cc."

"Great game and has aged well. I love the story and the characters. The dungeons are weird to navigate and some of the secrets are bogus but pretty fun to pour your hours into."

"Is insanely difficult at the end because its quarter hungry but first half of the game is really fun."

"How tf does someone play this shit game and enjoy it. The humor is garbage, the gameplay is rinse and repeat and just overall bland, with there only being three different modes in the WHOLE FUCKING GAME. This game’s difficulty is weird asf and if you have the wrong character set up, you’re fucked and have to restart the whole fight again which keep in mind took like a half hour to get to. I’ll lick my nut sack or yours if it means I don’t have to play this game again."

"This game is so silly I don’t even know what to do with it sometimes. The story mode itself is fun, but is practically impossible to beat without some of the top tier characters, seeing how T.T. has double the top speed of some of the other characters."

"Campaign is super fun and the music can’t be better. Online is super fun too, but I wish I could pick which game mode I want to play."

"This game didn’t age very well with the game moving very janky at times. The difficulty can seem really annoying as well, but other than that some of the bosses are fun and shooting stuff it lit asf."

"This games story is really fun to play, but 100% this game just felt like a pain in my ass. The gameplay is also repetitive for the most part, but still very fun."