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Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Nintendo Switch March 20th 2020
14 rankings, Avg Rating: 3.82
Escape to a deserted island and create your own paradise as you explore, create, and customize in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Your island getaway has a wealth of natural resources that can be used to craft everything from tools to creature comforts. You can hunt down insects at the crack of dawn, decorate your paradise throughout the day, or enjoy sunset on the beach while fishing in the ocean. The time of day and season match real life, so each day on your island is a chance to check in and find new surprises all year round.
Genre: Simulator
Franchise: Animal Crossing
My Ranking:

Everyone's Rankings

14 Rankings
"This game has good graphics and has good music. Other than that, the gameplay is slow and get obnoxious and it’s so hard and takes so much time to gets to the fun part of the game without cheating so kind of mid."
Shelves: Played
"Most overrated game I’ve ever played. Sure it’s good but nothing happens, nothing new."
Shelves: Played