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Caio Akiyoshi > Games
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"It's a shame they had such tide scheduled. It really does feel like a rushed game."

"Geez... Makes you wonder if JRPG community will buy anything from this type of style. The graphics are nice, but the story and dialogue are terrible. The videogame art have lots to develop to be a true major industry."

"I love this studio since Rogue Legacy. You can feel the care and the exact precise experience the developers wanted players to have. It's not perfect, thought. On the switch version i've played, the control aren't always responsive - and there's a lot of things to dodge and pay attention, so it gets frustrating with time being. Didn't liked the level system, too. It sometimes felt too harsh. You shouldn't nerf/buff skills based on functions, only numbers (eg: having long cooldowns with dodges, until you grind so much you can dodge better). Still loved it thought"

"following the her story format (i talk about this game too much), it makes everything bigger, wider, wilder and stronger. It's not flawless though. I would love to ee more outside-of-the-box type of puzzles, but i guess it was not the intent of the creator. It's all, ALL about the story and ever will be, and there's no problem with that. The navigation between videos, nonetheless, are kinda clumsy and buggy. You can't fast forward more than a 3x. In a longer video (and some of them can reach 9min), it gets old quickly. Anyway, great game that has a nice appeal for everyone."

"Very interesting concept with a seemed like rushed production and low budget. Still, the result was awesome. It drains on other games like Her, Mainlining, florence and some horror generic genre that lives around the appstore. The execution, however, could be better with the same budget and time. I really disliked the more political, not-subtle text. It could be gentle, artistic. But it was raw as a school essay. A shame."

"So cool and fresh. Sad part is, is kinda hardcore play for a casual player. So i didn't found a good partner. The bosses are a little repetitive thought"

"its deeply flawed. the message is not always as clears as it shoulds; sometimes it gets really cheesy; there's some juridic errors and misunderstandings that made impossible to me (south american) to beat without watching some footage. That said,awesome game. Hard to recommend though. It really milks the concept used in other places like Florence and Her (which is way, way upper league) but it always feels fresh."