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The One

The One

PC July 6th 2023
0 rankings
The One' came about when they sought to create a game that focused on a narrative, seeking to keep the player absorbed in the story and exploration of the world. The main concept from which this idea was born was a simple pen. From this came the mechanics, which mostly revolve around using the feathers, and the main theme, angels and their wings. Due to the scope of the project, it will be separated into two iterations. The initial idea is the realisation of the first iteration for the delivery of the TFM, while the second iteration will remain in a conceptual form that can be realised from the first iteration. The first iteration includes the entire 3D open world that the player will explore in search of the elements that will give him access to the story and improve his skills. The second iteration will transform the upgrade items into "portals" that will transport the player to 2D arcade-like levels with side-scrolling platforming, where they will have to progress through different obstacles in order to get that upgrade item.
Genre: Adventure
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