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Brigadoon: The Quest of Time

Brigadoon: The Quest of Time

PC June 10th 2022
0 rankings
Based off the original book and musical written by Alan Jay Lerner comes a brand new indie title inspired by the ever-popular The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask! It follows a similar formula with a time cycle forcing you to do a set of tasks at a certain time in order to make progress. The game takes place in Scotland where a visitor named Tommy Albright from New York was on a hunting trip but gets lost, and finds himself stuck in the land of Brigadoon, which is cursed to appear for one day and disappear for 100 years! Help Tommy learn the secrets of Brigadoon and break the spell so he can escape! Help NPCs in a number of quests! Solve puzzles and unlock secrets! This game will have many surprises along the way, so it's guaranteed to be a blast!
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