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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

PlayStation 4 May 19th 2015
Other Platforms: PS5 XSX XBO NSW PC
All Editions: 108 rankings, Avg Rating: 4.54
PS4 Edition: 16 rankings, Avg Rating: 4.60
RPG and sequel to The Witcher 2 (2011), The Witcher 3 follows witcher Geralt of Rivia as he seeks out his former lover and his young subject while intermingling with the political workings of the wartorn Northern Kingdoms. Geralt has to fight monsters and deal with people of all sorts in order to solve complex problems and settle contentious disputes, each ranging from the personal to the world-changing.
Franchise: The Witcher
My Ranking:

Everyone's Rankings

108 Rankings
"I’m not one for open world games. I grind story and am too impatient to do side quests. I tried playing this game without side quests but I was easily bored. I tried one or two and got hooked immediately. The wonderful work and story they put into every side quest is phenomenal. I didn’t hit one side quest that was just a stereotypical boring quest. It was wonderful and many added to the richness of the world and main story. Every bit of this game is gorgeous and fantastic. The storyline will hit you deeply and you’ll feel joy and pain along with Geralt. A great play."
Shelves: Own Played Beaten
"One of the best out there. So much replay value with all of the side quests."
"Couldn’t get into it I was expecting Skyrim like gameplay"
Shelves: Played
"So good, so many dead monsters."
Shelves: Played Owned Beaten
"My favorite !!!!!"
Shelves: Played