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Defenders of the Realm VR

Defenders of the Realm VR

PC May 22nd 2017
0 rankings
There is no futuristic weapons and no fancy-shmancy magic powers. In this brutal world, the only power you have is the badass crossbow in your hands and the myriad traps at your disposal. Put your limited resources to good use and repel the barbaric goblin invasion. There are no rules. You have just one mission: destroy them all. You can burn, slash, nail, maim, pierce, sever or shoot'em in the head. Remember, if just one foe is left alive, the future of the realm is in jeopardy. When you put on your VR headset and face these savage villains on the field of battle, you will encounter unprecedented brutality and ruthlessness. Your foes might seem innocent, but when they chase you into a corner and try to bash your head in, you will surely forgo any compassion you might have left for them. Pick up your weapon, ready your traps, and prepare for war. There is only one goal: kill them all!
Genre: Strategy
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