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Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

Saturn April 19th 1996
Other Platforms: PSX
All Editions: 1 ranking, Avg Rating: 3.00
Saturn Edition: 1 ranking, Avg Rating: 3.00
Solar Eclipse is a 3D shooter that takes place on and near the many moons of Saturn. You are a hot-shot pilot with a troubled past. You've been re-assigned to a new squadron aboard a Tomlinson-class carrier. There's trouble on a mining colony on the moon Janus. Your squadron is sent in to investigate, and uncover a lot more than they went looking for. The story in this game is told through a series of full-motion video clips. In addition to between-level scenes, FMV messages from your squad mates appear from time to time while you play the game.
Genres: Shooter Simulator
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